Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Spur Ranch Road Association is finally a reality!

The Articles of Incorporation were filed with the State this past Tuesday (August 30) by our attorney John Hays. We should receive confirmation from the State in a few days, with the effective date being the date of filing. You should already have received a copy of the SRRA bylaws (which changed slightly, on the advice of counsel), but email me if you would like another copy.
The State requires that a Board of Directors be named in the filing, so I solicited “volunteers”to serve as niterim directors. Their major responsibilities are (a) to convene a general meeting at which an election for permanent directors will be held, (b) to purchase insurance for the directors and officers of the association; and (c) to open an SRRA bank account. Your interim board members are: myself, Kerry Armour, Ron Billingsley, Bill Davis, and Bob Hutchins.
As part of our first responsibility, therefore, this email serves as a formal fifteen day notice for the first official General SRRA Community Meeting. 

Here are the specifics:
Saturday September 17, 2011
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Eldorado Community Center Classroom

At this meeting, we will conduct an election for the five permanent board members, plus answer questions, receive suggestions and comments, and tell you some of the other activities we have in mind. We’ll send a follow-up email in a few days with specifics about membership, eligibility to vote (outlined in the Bylaws), and election details. In the meantime, please think about whether you would like to serve as a director and/or to nominate one or more of your neighbors. I’d appreciate your emailing me the names of potential candidates, but it will also be possible to make nominations from the floor. If you have any questions or thoughts about the directors’ job, feel free to call me (466-8833).
Please keep in mind that SRRA is a voluntary organization. There is absolutely no downside to membership (dues payment is also voluntary), so I hope all of you will choose to become members. All residents who use the road as a primary or secondary access to their property are eligible to join. Voting privileges and director positions, however, are reserved for dues paying members. (For the initial meeting, anyone who has paid $100 or more for road upkeep during the past year, or whose HOA has contributed an equivalent amount for its members, is considered to have met this requirement. Members can also pay the $100 during the meeting, in order to be able to vote.)
Pulling together this new association has involved the efforts of many of your neighbors. In the long run, however, we all stand to benefit from the new association, both in terms of wear and tear on our vehicles, but also in terms of property values and salability of our properties. Thanks to all of you who have helped make SRRA a reality.
Jim Garland

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