Meeting Called to Order by SRRA President Jim Garland
Voting Members in attendance: Sharon Pederson, officer from TCHOAm, representing 35 vote and EJ Jennings for RSLHOA, representing 29 votes. Additional 21 persons were in attendance.
Bob presented our budget...we have $1713.40 still in the bank. Mostly due to not having to plow this year.
Al presented Road Situation and history of process and all that has happened. Confidently presented that the material is indeed curing.
Jim announced proposal to change bylaws giving lot owner a 1/2 vote and 1/2 monetary responsibility. One attendee felt that lot owners are still benefiting so they should probably still have a full vote and $ responsibility
2012 Budget Proposal:
- Jim Garland presented voluntary budget
- Budget reflects best guess expenses expected and kitty for future.
- Dues formula based entirely on need for funds with weight based on lot v. home and east/west of tracks.
- Presented breakdown of lots homes and HOA sizes
- Discussed line items line by line gave rationale for each.
- Discussed 60% participation and its effect on assessment this year and next
Budget Proposal:
The SRRA directors have assessed the condition of the road and are proposing the following maintenance and improvement steps for 2012:
1. Install a culvert west of Calle Juniper where the road washed out last year
2. Grade three times between the RR tracks and Avenida de los Compadres
3. Grade one time the dirt road extension from Compadres to the stables
4. Plow twice for snow removal (entire road)
Our estimated budget for these steps, which include funds for liability insurance, miscellaneous and contingency expenses, and a $4000 contribution to a reserve fund (to rebuild the road in a decade) is $11,800. In order to raise the revenue, we propose the following base 2012 assessments for homeowners and lot owners:
1. Homes & businesses east of the RR tracks (including Tierra Colinas): $200/ea
2. Homes & businesses west of the RR tracks (except those in Tierra Colinas): $275/ea
3. Lot owners (all): $100/ea
Carole Garland motioned to vote Anne Bitter seconded
TCHOA Yes 37 votes
RSL HOA Yes 29 votes
Silver Saddle Yes 4 votes
Rosa Linda Yes 4 votes
Carole and Jim plus 2 SRR resident proxies Yes 3 votes
Unanimous acceptance of budget. Meeting adjourned and BBQ supplied by Road Packer SouthWest President, Bob Sherwin was then enjoyed by all.
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