Met to discuss upcoming TV filming, annual dues and collection road condition.
Breaking Bad TV show will be filming along the tracks and is offering $3000 to road association. Same boilerplate agreement was offered to all other parties.
Al Webster moved and Kerry Armour seconded to. accept offer. unanimously carried.
Aditional agreement to consider the $3k a windfall and not have it reduce the overall dues.
Board members will be reminding residents to pay agreed upon 2012 dues. Silver Saddle to be asked by AL Webster. RSL by Kerry Armour. Jim Garlans will contact TCHOA and send out a general announcement.
If Monsoon appears to damage road and replicate slippery winter conditions, the board has unanimously voted to adopt escalation steps written by Al Webster as follows:
- Immediately contact a reputable and certified road building contractor to get an estimate for gravel and grading
- Following our next rain (and there will be one):
· Telephone Bob Sherwin of Road Packer SW immediately when the problem is noted.
· If there is no positive and immediate response to our dilemma:
· Have a grader/grader operator in readiness to take the slop off the road following the next precipitation event followed immediately by:
· Notifying both Michael McDermott and the chap in Australia (separately and individually so they don’t know we’re talking to both) of the problem.
· If no positive and immediate response, notify our attorney that:
· Bob has failed to fulfill his contract and we demand both cost and damages (including the cost of the core and the analysis, the cost for man hours expended to assist him in his failed effort to make the road right, etc.) to the tune of whatever the estimate is to fix the road as per the earlier estimate and the damages
· Advise the attorney to convey to Bob that SRRA intends to notify the appropriate departments within the State of New Mexico, Santa Fe County and the City of Silver City.
· If no positive and immediate response then proceed to court with the sample as evidence.
Additional Road Work:
Area west of track with existing basecourse, should be graded and re-barditched. Jim moves to authorize this expenditure, Kerry seconded. All were in favor. Expected expenditure ~$1000
Analysis of water movement indicates that installing a culvert near Calle Junipero does make sense, so should we go ahead. Jim moved that we do the work, Ron seconded, all were in favor. Expected expenditure ~$1500 Hope to do work some time in June/July rain dependent.
Update on Joe Miller's Tierra Bello development...
TCHA is resubmitting all their complaints from the previous TB submission. Secret arbitration was had with Miller and County to avoid a suit over this development and new documentation must be submitted on Miller's new proposal. Bill Davis submitted a concern that Miller's previous road construction exacerbated SRR flooding. Keeping Miller's development off SRR is a preeminent concern. Documentation to be forthcoming from TCHA and Jim.