Wednesday, February 20, 2019

SRRA Directors Meeting 02/09/2019

Dear Neighbor,

Below is a link to the minutes of the Spur Ranch Road Association  Board meeting, held Saturday, Feb. 9.

Thank you, 

John D. Holton

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

SRRA Directors Meeting 02/09/2019 - Notice

The SRRA directors are meeting this Saturday, Feb 9. at 9AM at Jim Garland's house to discuss several issues pertaining to the road. All meetings are open to community residents. Here is the provisional agenda:

(1) Composition of the By Law review group, how participants should be selected, and what qualifications they should have (e,g, knowledge about road maintenance, and prior involvement in SRRA activities).

(2) Transfer of SRRA responsibilities when Al and Jim step down from the Board this November. 

(4) Review and update on the SRRA blogsite and website, with password and login instructions clarified, and various logsite responsibilities defined.

(5) Review of procedures for gathering bids and quotes from roadwork contractors. The pros and cons of working only with insured and licensed contractors will be discussed, as well as reviewing SRRA liability insurance

 -- John D. Holton