Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Change of date of grading


Owing to availability of the grader and the recent heavy rains grading of Spur Ranch road has been delayed two days and will commence on Thursday, 1 November; gravel rods cannot be effectively graded when they are very wet.  The grader will be clearing out the ditches along the section of Spur Ranch Road from US 285 to the Santa Fe Southern Railroad tracks.  The grader operator will also be bringing material in from the sides of the road to recreate the crown that was established some 3 years ago.  Potholes and ruts will also be filled in.


Please be extremely cautious around the grader as it grades the road; drive carefully and slowly.  In all cases, please drive according to the condition of the road – a safe and prudent speed this morning, for instance,  seems to be about 15 mph.  When there is ice or snow on the road, as on US 285 or any other icy road, please drive according to the condition of the road.




Al Webster,


Spur Ranch road Association

Thursday, October 25, 2018

SRR road work upcoming

Spur Ranch Road Association membership:


Your SRRA has arranged for Spur Ranch Road to be graded and the ditches repaired starting on Tuesday of next week. 


 The recent rainfall, totaling some 2 inches,  and the increased level of traffic on Spur Ranch Road has created many pot holes and other damage to the road’s surface.  Spur Ranch Road is however, not slippery if driven slowly and carefully and you will not slide off the road as might have happened a number of years ago, nor will you become ‘stuck’ in the road as many drivers experienced several years ago.  You’ll appreciate that although the road surface remains solid and that that school busses, FedEx, garbage trucks and other service and emergency vehicles can continue to access your residences via Spur Ranch Road it is important that you pay attention to the road surface and drive according to changing conditions.







Al Webster


Spur Ranch Road Ass’n




Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Spur Ranch Road Annual Meeting Announcement

Dear Neighbor,

The Spur Ranch Road Association will hold its annual meeting this year on Sunday, November 11, at 3:00 pm, at my home at 102 Spur Ranch Road. Please make a note of this date and time  and make an effort to attend. The annual meeting is the best forum for informing yourself about the road condition and needs, and to ask questions, register complaints, and make suggestions. At the meeting, the 2019 budget will be presented to the community for approval.

This year, the annual meeting is especially important, because the road condition will necessitate a significant increase in dues, and the directors want to make certain that all residents are knowledgeable about this situation. To provide context for the ensuing discussion, I am attaching the minutes of the October 2 SRRA directors' meeting, which summarize the major issues. Please read them.

As the meeting date approaches, I will send a reminder notice, along with the Directors' recommended 2019 budget and dues. In addition, there are two directors whose terms expire this November (Jacquie Hollister and Mary Anne Stickler), so please let me know of persons you would like to nominate for these vacancies. Members will have an opportunity to vote on director nominees.


Jim Garland, president
Spur Ranch Road Association