Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Change of date of grading


Owing to availability of the grader and the recent heavy rains grading of Spur Ranch road has been delayed two days and will commence on Thursday, 1 November; gravel rods cannot be effectively graded when they are very wet.  The grader will be clearing out the ditches along the section of Spur Ranch Road from US 285 to the Santa Fe Southern Railroad tracks.  The grader operator will also be bringing material in from the sides of the road to recreate the crown that was established some 3 years ago.  Potholes and ruts will also be filled in.


Please be extremely cautious around the grader as it grades the road; drive carefully and slowly.  In all cases, please drive according to the condition of the road – a safe and prudent speed this morning, for instance,  seems to be about 15 mph.  When there is ice or snow on the road, as on US 285 or any other icy road, please drive according to the condition of the road.




Al Webster,


Spur Ranch road Association

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