Spur Ranch Road Association Members:
Your Spur Ranch Road Association Board of Directors was hoping for monsoonal activity in June that would dampen Spur Ranch Road prior to planned road maintenance and, while NOAA is predicting a good chance of slightly above average monsoonal activity for July*, the trace of rain that was received in this area was insufficient to adequately dampen the road. Your Board has determined that Spur Ranch Road cannot wait for any potential rain prior to starting road maintenance.
Starting early next week, from US 285 west to the tracks, you will experience a grader deeply ripping the surface of the road, followed by significant watering while the road is ripped. Following deep watering the road will be graded, shaped, crowned and, finally, rolled to compact the surface –a dry road cannot be adequately compacted. From the tracks west to Compadres the road will be graded and shaped only. While this maintenance is occurring please give the heavy equipment a wide berth – the operators will be focused on high quality road maintenance and might not see you – so please drive slowly giving the machinery operators safe and optimal clearance.
for Spur Ranch Road Association Board of Directors