August 22, 2013
Present: Jim Garland, Al Webster, Ron Billingsley, Susie Schoenberg, Bob Holzer, and Carole Garland (not a Board member but took minutes).
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.
The first order of new business was a review of the 2013 finances. Taking into account expenditures as of 8/22/13, SRRA has $4,947.67 left in the treasury. The reserve account is significantly smaller than the $8000 targeted (for two years accumulation).
Next was a discussion of road conditions east of the RR tracks and a review of Bob Sherwin's commitment to complete his work on the road later this autumn. An email from a concerned resident expressing impatience and concern was shared with the Board.
Motion: Al Webster moved that SRRA obtain from Red Line Excavating a 3-part bid for work to include: 1) grading the road from the RR tracks to the western end 3 times during 2014; 2) grading the road between the RR tracks and Calle Junipero; and, 3) putting basecourse on the road between the RR tracks and Calle Junipero. Susie Schoenfeld seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
General Road Issues: The Russian thistle was sprayed but another application of Roundup should be applied because recent rains have produced many new plants. A gabion is being installed at the culvert near Rosa Linda; the directors still have much concern about possible damage from run-off in that area.
The next order of business was a general discussion of the proposed 2014 budget (including revenue needs and proposed expenditures) and suggested timing for dues collection. Al Webster moved that the proposed budget be approved by the Board and Bob Holzer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Proposed 2014 Budget Categories
Snow removal 300
Grading (RR tracks to West end) 4000
Liability Insurance 1500
Contingency grading (RoadPacker) 2000
Legal, signage, repairs, misc. 500
Reserve fund ($40K ten year goal) 4000
Total 12,300
After discussion, Susie Schoenfeld moved that SRRA maintain the 2012 membership dues amounts ($200 for homeowners east of the RRtracks, $275 for homeowners west of the RR tracks, and $100 for lot owners). Ron Billingsley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The Board set the date for the SRRA Annual Meeting and potluck: Sunday, November 17 at 3:00 pm at the home of Jim and Carole Garland.
The Board then discussed election of officers. Three officers (Jim Garland, Al Webster, and Bob Holzer) have 3 year terms (1 year remaining). The two officers with 2 year terms (Ron Billingsley and Susie Schoenfeld) officially end their terms in September of 2013 but will be temporarily appointed to the Board until the annual meeting in November 2013. The Board discussed possible new members and recommending soliciting nominations and volunteers from the membership.
Other Action Items:
1. Ron Billingsley will forward the names of the Tierra Colinas HOA president and treasurer to Jim Garland and will ask the TC treasurer to send a check for 2013 dues to Bob Holzer.
2. Jim Garland will send an email to all SRRA members requesting payment of 2013 dues.
3. Al Webster will ask the SF County Sherrif's office if officers can patrol Spur Ranch Road to help control speeding.
4. Susie Schoenfeld will contact the Chavez family to see if either of them would be willing to serve on the Board, to represent residents on the West end of the road.
5. All members work to compile up-do-date list of residences and lot owners.
There being no further business, Al Webster moved and Bob Holzer seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 7:45 pm. The motion passed unanimously.