Forwarded by the SRRA at the request of the organization.Please respond directly to the organization if you have comments, not to the SRRA. Thanks.
From: Galisteo Community-Association <>
Date: March 24, 2014 at 8:58:42 AM MDT
Subject: Update on Lamy No Crude Activity
No Crude Oil in Lamy (NoCOIL) e-BLAST for March 19, 2014
Here's the latest:
· Massive Turnout Needed! The next BCC meeting is this coming Tuesday, March 25, 2014, in the 2nd floor council chambers at 102 Grant Ave. We need your attendance at the Matters for the Public portion of the meeting which commences at 4:00 PM. Plan to arrive by 3:30 PM. Although action on the proposed CR 33 ordinance is not on the agenda, we will be able to express our concerns on the issue during this session. Depending on the turnout, your comments may be limited to two minutes. Comment guidelines:
- Comments should not mention or be directed at any commissioner, department head, or the county attorney
- Comments should be voiced in a respectful manner (tone of voice, language, etc.)
- Appropriate subjects for comment include:
- Concerns over the lengthy delay in the ordinance drafting process
- The length of time it is taking to put the ordinance on the BCC agenda
- Public safety concerns and costly road degradation caused by these delays
- Mark your calendars with these CR 33 ordinance-related BCC meeting dates:
- March 25, 4:00 PM - Matters for the Public
- April 8 - Proposed ordinance on agenda
- April 22 - BCC vote
· Our next community-wide meeting date is yet to be confirmed based on availability of meeting facilities. Stay tuned for date, place and time.
· Congratulations to our friends at Save La Bajada Mesa. The CRDC 5-2 vote against the proposed basalt mine is an important step in stopping the ill-conceived project.
Please forward this e-BLAST to other interested parties.
From the No Crude Oil in Lamy Steering Committee