Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spur Ranch Road Update

Dear Neighbors,


Here are a few  update items:

1.Bob Sherwin of RoadPacker/Bionic Soil Solutions has informed us that we're still on track to get our road resurfaced sometime this Spring, before the rains start. At the moment, the road is bumpier than we would like, but it's definitely passable.


2.A person or persons unknown graded part of the road between the RR tracks and Calle Junipero. While we appreciate the help, please let me or any of the directors know in advance if you want to volunteer this kind of effort in the future. We want to make sure that the grading is done properly and we also don't want to create a problem by inadvertently scheduling our normal grading company to duplicate the work.


3. We've observed some vehicle traffic coming from a dirt road in Tierra Bello onto SRR. This violates the promise made to us by Mr. Joe Miller (who was unaware that this is happening) that residents and contractors from Tierra Bello would not use SRR. We've notified Mr. Miller of the problem and have erected last week a barrier and sign blocking SRR from the dirt road (attached photo) Director Al Webster took the lead on thia.  Please let us know if you see any unauthorized traffic from that subdivision on SRR. Once that development is completed, there will be a lot of traffic entering and leaving the subdivision. We want to nip in the bud any inappropriate use of our road before bad habits get formed.



Jim  Garland

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