Sunday, January 29, 2017

SRRA 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes

Spur Ranch Road Association
Minutes of Annual Meeting, November 27, 2016

Directors present:     Jim Garland, Jake Green, Mary Ann Stickler, Al Webster
Director absent:        Henry McCormick

The meeting was called to order by President Jim Garland at 3:15 pm. In addition to the directors, nine residents attended.

Al Webster reminded the Members that the purpose of the Spur Ranch Road Association is to provide a safe and reliable road for various emergency and service vehicles and for residents’ daily use. Resources are concentrated on the portion of the road east of the railroad tracks.

Jim Garland explained that Spur Ranch Road is a private road with a public easement which ensures access to all. It is extremely unlikely that the County would take over road maintenance; the road would first have to be paved to bring it up to County standards, at a cost of approximately $1 million.

Treasurer Al Webster then provided an update of current road condtions. In 2016, the entire road was graded lightly three times. There was also a major grade of the mile between 285 and the railroad tracks, during which the road surface was ripped, crowned and rolled. One “Blind Curve” sign was installed.

SRRA receives in-kind services. Commonweal Conservancy donates water used when the road is graded. Two residents donate their time and equipment to do light grading of the washboarding on the portion of the road west of the railroad tracks. Another resident donates use of his ATV for targeted spraying of Russian Thistle (tumbleweed). Yet another resident donates his time and equipment for snowplowing; SRRA pays for his gasoline, Several residents participated in picking up roadside trash on Earth Day. All of these contributions are deeply appreciated.

Next, Jim Garland distributed a 2017 budget summary [(A) below]. The Board has recommended a proposed budget for 2017 which raises assessments for the first time since SRRA was formed in 2011 [(B) below]:

 (A) Proposed 2017 Budget (approved by SRRA directors 11-09-16)

Snow Removal
Road Maintenance (3000/ea x4)
Road Improvements (basecourse)
Emergencies, Reserve
Administrative, Insurance
Signage, Weed Control, Misc

(B) Proposed 2017 Dues

Residence E. of RR Tracks
Lot E. of RR Tracks
Residence W. of RR Tracks
Lot W. of RR Tracks

After explanation of the budget summary and a group discussion, Roberta Armstrong moved that the proposed 2017 budget approved by the SRRA directors be approved. Daniel Bethune seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Debbie Brient then moved that the dues increase should be accepted. Vincent Mariano seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

The next order of  business was to elect two board members. There were no nominations from the floor. Two people have volunteered to serve if elected. Mary Ann Stickler was unanimously approved to serve a second term. Jacquie Hollister was unanimously approved for a first term. We are grateful to these individuals for their willingness to serve. We also want to thank Jake Green, outgoing board member, for his work.

The last item was an open discussion of various road issues including the budget shortfall in Tierra Colinas, and possible ways to increase participation and revenues. Among other issues discussed were the following:

-Residents were reminded that the best way to preserve the road is to drive carefully. Drive no more than 30 mph. Please remember that the clouds of dust produced by speeders are really our road surface blowing away in the wind, which increases washboarding and results in greater maintenance expenses.  It’s dangerous to speed over washboards because the faster one drives, the less contact tires have with the road surface. It’s a lot like driving on ice.

-Avoid driving down the center of the road because doing so quickly degrades the crown. If the crown is lost, water will pool on the road instead of draining off, creating potholes.

-Delivery and construction vehicles are a particular concern because their size and weight damage the road more than passenger cars.

-It is important to observe the stop signs at the railroad track. Although no trains currently use the tracks, many walkers and cyclists use the rail trail, and we want to keep them safe.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Carole Garland

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