Friday, March 24, 2017

Spur Ranch Road work to be done

Good morning Spur Ranch Road Association members,


The first major work on SRR for 2017 is planned for next week, 29 March (depending on weather).  Deep grading and re-crowning of the road will occur from US 285 to the Santa Fe Southern tracks.  There will be significant work done at the ‘S’ curve and east to US 285; the bar ditch on the south side of the ‘S’ will be made shallower and, east of the ‘S’,  the loose surface gravel will be thoroughly mixed into the road bed.


Please drive carefully and cautiously while this work is being done – there will be a dump truck, a water truck, a grader and a roller involved in this event; these are large cumbersome vehicles and maneuver slowly.


Drive carefully and slowly,




Al Webster

Member, SRRA Board of Directors



Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Spur Ranch Road - Earth Day

EARTH DAY Clean Up– 2017

22 April, 2017


Your Spur Ranch Road Association is organizing an Earth Day Clean UpThis year’s event will be held on Earth Day, 22 April,  starting at 0830.

Activities will include collecting a winter’s worth of debris along and 10 feet on either side of Spur Ranch Road from the intersection of Ave. de Compadres and Spur Ranch Road east to US Highway 285.  Please identify and report on any interesting cultural items you might find – each year there have been interesting and sometimes ‘unique’ articles reported, most of which are recyclable.  If they are reported as such, there will be a total count of beer/liquor bottles and cans and totals of brands collected; results will be reported on the Blog site.

Last year was a ‘Budweiser-Lite-in-cans’ year by a wide margin.

We’re looking for volunteers for the following sections of Spur Ranch Road:

1. Compadres east to Calle Junipero: __________________________________________________________

2.) Calle Junipero east to Santa Fe Southern Rail Road tracks (and all around the mail boxes: _____________________________________________________

3.)  Santa Fe Southern Rail Road tracks east to Silver Saddle: ________________________________________________________

4.) Silver Saddle east to US 285: Al Webster and Roberta Armstrong

Please fill in the blanks and let me know which section you’d like. Please bring your own garbage bags and, for safety, wear bright clothing.


Al Webster,

Spur Ranch Road Association